
IFOR statement on the current situation in Ukraine

February, 28th 2022

You can download the entire statement here.

The International Fellowship of Reconciliation expresses its very strong concerns and deep sadness about the invasion and occupation being conducted by Russia in Ukraine.

These are dark days in history.

War is a crime against humanity and can never be justified. It only leads to human suffering and tears, and rips apart the societal structures that enable people to live in dignity.

The use, or preparation for use, of nuclear weapons is unconscionable.

Therefore, IFOR:

▪ Stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and supports the efforts of Russians who are protesting against this war.

▪ Urges an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Russian troops from Ukraine.

▪ Stands up for conscientious objection, the right to refuse to kill, to reject violence and to repudiate bearing arms in both (and all) countries.

▪ Urges all governments and multilateral organisations to choose diplomatic and political means to address the situation.

▪ Encourages the Ukrainian government and people to choose persistent nonviolent resistance.

▪ Calls on European people and nations to welcome refugees from Ukraine.

▪ Encourages the Russian people to non-violently resist the war policy and actions of their government.

▪ Calls on Russian religious leaders to disassociate themselves from the aggressive and bellicose

policy of the Russian government, to recover the peaceful intentions of those religions, and to actively engage with peace initiatives and diplomacy.

▪ Invites people of faith, spirituality and conscience to direct their prayers and actions to stopping the war and sustaining peace in the region.



Fellowship of Reconciliation USA
Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

Written by Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

FOR-USA organizes, trains, and grows a diverse movement that aims to end structures of violence and war, and create peace through nonviolence.

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