May 21st is the launch of the Walter Wink & June Keener Wink Fellowship!
We invite you to join us on our Facebook page on May 21, 2021 for the livestream of the launch of the Walter Wink & June Keener Wink Fellowship! The Winks dedicated their lives to integrating theological understanding with embodied courage and imagination, thereby preparing courageous and spiritually-centered people worldwide to engage in nonviolent struggles for peace.
FOR-USA’s inaugural Wink Fellow is Dr. Fernando Ona, a public health professional of Filipino heritage engaging the landscape of health disparities and social justice. Following years of trauma-centered work with survivors of torture, Dr. Ona is now pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry.
Interested in supporting the Wink Fellowship?
We remain deeply grateful to our FOR Wink Fellows inaugural donors who have made this launch possible. To learn more about how you can join them in investing in the future of peace and justice leadership, contact our Mission Advancement and Development Advisor, Dr. Anthony Nicotera at Or, simply click on the following link Support FOR Wink Fellows, and in the Special Instructions box, write Wink Fellows. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps us move closer to our goal of endowing the Wink Fellows program so that we can ensure that the critically important legacy of Walter Wink and June Keener Wink continues. Thank you.